At that time I had a job with a lot of free time, which gave me many opportunities to improve my photography skills. From 2015 onwards I became more and more active with photography. I loved taking pictures in the fog and bought filters to make long exposures. Not only did I take landscapes, but was fascinated by dead birds, animals and bones found in nature. I feel that at least a few of my pictures got a more mysterious and artistic expression. Not everything can be shown here, but I’ve picked out a few. Hope you like them.

This fascinating structure found in the shore line at Hotellneset. Over a long time, seawater has been washed up on land and frozen to ice. One day of severe cold, I pass by and saw these weird icicles. It became a facinating picture.

This next picture is no less fascinating. Strict cold and no sea ice makes frost attach to everything. Just look at the ice fog over the bay. Clearly, the frost settles and makes the landscape mysterious. I also think the three ice blocks in the picture resemble birds that swim in the bay. What do you think?

In Svalbard we have a lot of weather. In used ND filters, and long exposure of the bad weather coming in from west. The sea became more flat and the snow in the air became fog like.

On a snowmobile trip with friends. I think we vent to Isfjord radio for an overnight stay.

I found these gears inside a cultural monument at Hiorthamn. I’m still fascinated by old things.

This picture was taken a few days after the sun had its last sunrise / sunset for a while. Like it or not, but we are facing four months with the midnight sun.

More bad weather … But now the summer has finally come across Svalbard

I like pictures like this. You have to wonder what it is, I also think the long exposure causes the water to become foggy. It all makes the picture a little mysterious. What do you think when you see this?

A long exposure this too. Taken on one of my many mountain walks.

This is the skansebukta. It is located in the inlet to the Billefjord

View over Longyearbyen. Photo taken from Sarkofagen.

What is going on here?

Northern lights do fascinate everyone?

And finally I end with a picture of the Milky Way.